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Gemma Carter-Morris

Completing the Wellbeing Picture

The world of wellbeing has changed beyond recognition over the last few years. Gone are the days when a fruit basket and desk massages constituted a forward-looking wellbeing strategy, and in a world where you may not see your co-workers in the flesh for weeks at a time, we need to think more broadly about the facets of our work that affect Wellbeing.

For the last 2 years, we've conducted a (jig)straw poll of the attendees of the Health & Wellbeing at Work Show, asking "what one thing would they change to make the biggest improvement to Wellbeing in their workplace?"

Our Director of Wellbeing Gemma Carter-Morris was joined by partner Tim Sismey from Make Work Work Better and Jenny Winspear from My Anova on 19th April where they revealed the results of this year's Giant Jigsaw of Wellbeing survey, and discussed how attitudes and priorities have changed over the past 12 months.

You can watch the recording below:

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